

Welcome to our laboratory web page! Our laboratory researches innovation; innovation is triggered when several factors get merged and create a novel idea, just like a chemical reaction. Isn’t that the same phenomenon that all four civilizations in the world were born at significant points of transportation?
For this purpose, we take an engineering approach and attempt to capture the moment of “awareness” when a new idea is born by utilizing various analytical methods. Our research visualizes the process of thinking and seeks for what happens behind the emergence of new awareness. As analysis methods, for example, we develop games as experimental tools and use sensors to measure gaze. A game is like a sim city with no right answers, stimulating people to be ‘aware’ of creative ideas by combining multiple factors.
I think that the management approach should consist of four parts – introduction, development, twist, and conclusion. I’m not talking about the essay structure. We all are good at least one of these four parts, and each person has each different skill, which means that one is capable of initiating and launching something new, and one is good at twisting and providing new perspectives. The crucial role of innovation management is to find one’s types and skills, arrange them to suitable positions, create the mechanisms that enhance the connectivity of each step, and implement the overall circulation. “To maintain the current condition is to lose,” this is what then-CEO said when I was working at Itochu Corporation. We should not be satisfied with the present and step forward with innovation. Why don’t you think about INNOVATION in our laboratory, with us?

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News (in Japanese)


Jun Nakamura is a Professor at Chuo University, Department of Global Management, an advisor at Persol Professional Outsourcing Co.,Ltd., a former Supervisory Board Member of Zionex Inc., and a former Executive Board Member of the International Academy of Strategic Management. He was a Professor at Shibaura Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Engineering and Science. His research focuses broadly on intelligent information, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, innovation management, and management of technology. He is a director at Japan Foundation for Private Information Conservation Organization, and an external evaluation committee member at Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers.
Prior to the corporate management position in charge of designing and developing technology for Panasonic’s video and audio products, he had professional experience at the trading house Itochu Corporation for 15 years, the global consulting firm for ten years, and the Swedish automobile manufacturer for four years. While serving for Itochu, he was mainly in charge of the automobile business in Africa staying in Algeria for three years.
His co-authored works with his laboratory students were recently awarded for the Incentive Award from the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence in 2019 and the Best Oral Paper Award at the Marketing Conference 2019 held by Japan Marketing Academy. He also had received the FOST Kumada Award from the Foundation for the Fusion of Science and Technology (FOST) in 2010 and the Creative Research Award form NeuroCreative Lab in 2009. He attained a Ph.D. in Engineering from The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Technology Management for Innovation, awarded for the Academic Excellence Prize (top honors) in 2011. He is an MBA holder from University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Systems Management (2007), and got BA in Economics from Keio University, Faculty of Economics in 1986, where he studied theory of economics. Please refer to this link for the area of research.